I've been testing how to implement a OPC-UA server / client with Node-red What's an OPC-UA server? Usually, it's a server that let you to read tags from different PLC's, it doesn't matter PLC brand, and then, it serves this tags to other systems like other PLC's, Scada, Computer systems (SAP, ERP...), Databases,... In IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things) applications it's a really good idea to use a hardware that let you to implement and OPC-UA server. Actually, you can use propietary systems like WEINTEK, WAGO, Weidmuller,... or simply use a Raspberry Pi to do so, like it's shown in this video: So, I've simulated a Modbus server (it would be our PLC) and, after this, Node-red's read the tags with a Modbus client and it has written the tags to the OPC-UA Server. Later on, I've read these tags with a OPC-UA Softwate (UaExpert) and, with a Node-red OPC-UA Client which has published them in a Node-red Dashboard. ...
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