
#14 MQTT and Siemens PLCSim Advanced, another protocol tested and working

Hi everyone, MQTT is a very important protocol in IoT and IIoT and could be a great thing if we could test our projects using just Siemens PLCSim Advanced and without a real PLC. So I tested if we could do some comunication with a Mosquitto Broker and Node-red with a little Dashboard and it worked quite well So finally we could publish data from de Simulated PLC and subscribe the PLC to data from Node-red and from Internet. You can see how it works in next video. Cheers.

#13 Siemens PLCSim Advanced operation with Node-red using s7 node

Hi everyone We still are testing different communication protocols with PLC Sim Advanced, now we are going to use Node-red and its S7 Comunication node to try to comunicate with the simulated PLC. We can see the communication is also available with PLC-Sim advanced and S7 node so it's going to be very handy to test projects using Siemens and Node-red. See you

#12 Send Modbus TCP data with Siemens PLCSim Advanced operation

Hi everyone, Siemens PLCSim advanced is a new PLC simulator you can use with Tia Portal and much better than the older PLCSim integrated. It's a different program to be installed but now we can simulate almost a real PLC including several comunication protocols. This is very useful when we are learning or testing our programs and we still don't have a real PLC available or we are designing with our digital twin machine. In this video I want to show you how you can comunicate PLCSim Advaced with Modbus TCP protocol, after this, lots of practicing are available without having any real PLC. Keep in touch

#11 Let's automate using GRAFCET, Gemma with Node-red & Factory IO

Hi everyone, I guess some of you know Factory IO, a very easy software to learn automation, handy to connect to lots of PLC and simulators to learn how to code automation with them. So this time I've used Node-red in a Raspberry Pi to connect with Factory IO and to code a GRAFCET with Gemma guide automation program to try if we could use just Node-red to solve an automation problem. To control real I/O, I've finally decided to use a ESP8266 wifi arduino connected to the RPi working as a wifi access point and using MQTT protocol, so it's been connected the Rpi wifi AP just with the Arduino, a PC and a phone to control the Node-red dashboard.  Besides this, I've had to install also a Mosquitto broker in the RPi to do the MQTT communication with Arduino. You'll see how we can test our Node-red code with Factory IO but, after this, we can stop Factory IO and just let the Arduino I/O to change our automation  states and control a real machine. Here you have the video to ...

#10 Siemens NX & Tia Portal drives you to make a digital twin

Hello everyone. Siemens NX is a great tool to create your 3D designs and assamblies and help you as a mechatronic designer to create new machines but , in fact, it can go beyond that. He has a very useful utility called Mechatronic Concept Design (MCD) where you can give phisics to every piece in your design and later connect these pieces to Siemens Tia Portal (using PLC-Sim Advanced) or even any PLC (using OPC UA) to test your PLC programming on your Mechatronic design converted in a digital twin So you can avoid future programming or concept mistakes in the real machine. Keep an eye on this because is going to be very used in the automation early future. Regards.

#9 Nodered & FactoryIO operation

Hi everyone, Today I'd like to introduce you Factory I/O simulation software, you can easyly create your digital twin and test it before make it real or, if you prefer, you can use one of the scenes it has ready to use. You can test the trial version for 31 days. It has multiple drivers connections to several PLC's brands, Siemens PLCSIM or even with Modbus or OPC UA protocols. In next video I will show you how Factory I/O works with an automation controlled a little bit different. In spite of using a PLC I used Nodered working as a PLC running a Grafcet program with Modbus communication protocol. Take a look and let me know what you think about.

#8 Ubidots: A nice cloud dashboard for your automation projects

Hi everyone, Today I really like to recommend you ubidots.com. It's actually a IoT platform to monitor and control your IoT devices easily. With a very nice interface you can design a dashboard to monitor and control your devices like Arduino, Raspberry pi or even PLC's if you use a gateway as Node-red for example. You can test it with its free subscription with 3 devices and 10 dashboard widgets for free and with very few steps if for sure you can figure out lots of uses. Here you have a video with a very simply home automation I tested using Ubidots and a Node-red front end from sensetecnic, another very nice cloud platform to talk about.